Jalandhar: the Jalandhar Commissionerate Police led by Commissioner of Police Mr Swapan Sharma has arrested a person with illegal weapon. Giving the details, the Commissioner of Police said that police had got a tip off that Taranveer Singh alias Tanu, s/o Tajinder Singh, resident of Kot Siddique, Jalandhar was engaged in illegal firing in the area near Children’s Park. He said that acting swiftly the Police laid a trap and arrested the accused. Mr Swapan Sharma said that Upon searching, the police recovered a 32 bore illegal pistol, along with five live rounds and one use round of the same caliber.
Commissioner of Police said that F.I.R. No. 04 dated 27.01.2025* was registered under sections 25(1)(B), 54, and 59 of the Arms Act at Police Station Division No. 05, Jalandhar. Mr Swapan Sharma said that the accused was already booked by the Police in three cases. He said that further investigations into the case is going on and details, if any, will be shared later.