Rupnagar: Haryana Chief Minister Naib Saini today inaugurated India’s first state-of-the-art mobile health check-up bus, funded and designed by renowned philanthropist Ajayveer Singh Lalpura, head of the NGO “Insaniyat Pehle.” The inauguration ceremony was held in Rupnagar, with prominent attendees including Iqbal Singh Lalpura, Chairman of the National Commission for Minorities, and Dr. Kulwant Singh Dhaliwal, head of World Cancer Care.
During the event, Ajayveer Singh Lalpura presented the bus keys to Dr. Dhaliwal, who will use the vehicle to organize free medical camps across Punjab. The bus, equipped with cutting-edge medical equipment, is expected to double the efficiency of World Cancer Care’s initiatives.
Speaking at the event, CM Naib Saini praised Lalpura for his selfless contribution, calling him a beacon of hope for Punjab’s future. He commended Lalpura for using his personal earnings to serve society and set an example of leadership through action.
CM Saini also emphasized the BJP’s commitment to farmers and the public. He assured Punjab farmers that if the BJP forms a government in Punjab in 2027, ensuring MSP guarantees for all crops would be his personal responsibility.
Dr. Kulwant Singh Dhaliwal expressed gratitude for Lalpura’s continued support and highlighted the impact of the new mobile unit, which will enable broader cancer screening and medical services. He also noted that Lalpura, as India Director of World Cancer Care, is instrumental in the construction of a hospital in Doomewal, which will soon become a major healthcare hub in the region.
National Minorities Commission Chairman Iqbal Singh Lalpura extended his thanks to CM Saini for gracing the event and applauded Ajayveer Singh Lalpura’s contributions.
In his closing remarks, Ajayveer Singh Lalpura thanked all the dignitaries and attendees, reaffirming his commitment to social welfare. The event was attended by numerous notable personalities, including Darshan Singh Saini, Jaswinder Singh Dhillon, Parmjeet Singh Raulumajra, and Aman Kabadwal (Advocate), among others.