Mumbai : Actor Akshay Kumar took to social media on Thursday to extend his warm birthday wishes to filmmaker Priyadarshan. The celebrated director, known for his contributions to Indian cinema, turned a year older on Thursday, and Akshay couldn't resist sharing a candid moment with his longtime collaborator.
Posting a playful picture of the duo on his Instagram handle, Akshay Kumar wrote a heartfelt message, "Happy Birthday, Priyan Sir! What better way to celebrate than by spending the day on a haunted set, surrounded by ghosts...both real and unpaid extras? Thank you for being a mentor, and the only person who can make chaos look like a masterpiece. May your day be filled with fewer retakes. Wishing you a fantastic year ahead! @priyadarshan.official."
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar)The two have had an illustrious history of collaboration, working together on several hit films such as Hera Pheri (2000), Bhool Bhulaiyaa (2007), Bhagam Bhag (2006), and many others. Their on-screen chemistry is well-loved by audiences, and the duo has now reunited for the upcoming horror-comedy 'Bhooth Bangla'.
After a significant gap, Akshay Kumar and Priyadarshan are once again joining forces for the film, which also marks the reunion of Akshay Kumar and actress Tabu after 25 years. Their last film together was the iconic 'Hera Pheri'. The film's set has already witnessed some fun moments. A heartwarming picture surfaced online recently, showing Akshay sharing a warm hug with Tabu.
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Balaji Motion Pictures (@balajimotionpictures) Bhooth Bangla, produced by Shobha Kapoor and Ektaa R. Kapoor's Balaji Telefilms, along with Akshay's Cape of Good Films, is scheduled for release on April 2, 2026.
Paresh Rawal, another long-time collaborator with Akshay and Priyadarshan, also stars in the movie. In celebration of Makar Sankranti, Akshay Kumar shared a video from the sets of Bhooth Bangla, where he and Paresh Rawal could be seen flying kites in true festive spirit. Wamiqa Gabbi is rumoured to play a significant role, although further details about the film remain under wraps.